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Snap Networking & Speaker Event

Snap Networking & Speaker Event

| A Tailored Industry Group Networking

| Keynote Speaker - Dave Hyem - VP (Ret'd) Boeing Inc.

| 31 Mar - 7:00pm - 8:00pm EST | Zoom


We welcome you to join us virtually at our first Snap Networking & Speaker Event held in collaboration between McMaster University & The Strong Link Inc.


This event is open to invited industry professionals and mentors, speakers, and business leader participants on McMaster's Industry Operations Leadership & Management program. 


We intend to facilitate diverse, tailored, pre-arranged group networking sessions and engage insight with industry leaders.

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Fire-Side Discussion

Dave Hyem | Vice President (Ret'd) | Boeing Inc.


No presentations or slides, just a genuine discussion, with a driven industry leader.


Dave has spent over 35 years within Boeing holding numerous engineering and operations roles across platforms such as the Boeing 747, 737 and 767 aircraft programs. As well he sits as a board member with the TWI Institute.


Passionate about developing highly skilled industry leaders, Dave spends his time advising, instructing and mentoring industry leaders. 


Listen to the Event Podcast Here



This is an invite-only event. This is to allow a diverse and value-added pre-assignment of individuals to each of the virtual networking groups. 


If you would like to virtually attend the event, please contact us using the contact form below. 

Event Details

Cost - Free

Attendees - Invite only

Registration Closes - Tuesday, 29 Mar, 22


Zoom Event - Thursday, 31 Mar, 22

7:00pm - 8:00 pm EST


  • 700 - 720 | Group networking session


  • 720 - 750 | Fire-side discussion


  • 750 - 800 | Closing remarks

Join us for this tailored networking event, and an insight-driven discussion to shape & enable our next industry leaders.

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